Brian Alvis
Tess Barnett
Charity Brandon
Carlene Brown
Lacey Copple
Alaina Cusumano
Lisa Flagg
Brett Hall
Mary Harlan
Trinda Heitmeyer
Michelle Hoffman
Kristina Klein
Randy Kniffen –
Michael Kroeschen – President
Roberta Lynch
Ashley Manuel
Mary Beth Mezo – Past President
Stacey Palmer– Corresponding Secretary
Theresa Rowe
Cheryl Settle
Cynthia Thomas
Tony Wielt
Frank Winchester
Alicia Woodward-Vice President
Cedarhurst welcomed the 2024-2025 Cedarhurst Administrative Counselors, Counselors Emeritus, and Youth Ambassadors for the annual appreciation luncheon. The counselors serve as the core of the invaluable volunteers that spearhead and serve on the museum’s program and event committees.

2024 – 2025 Administrative Counselors (Back to Front / Left to Right)
Back Row: Shelia Donnellan, Leasha Overturf, Mary Harlan, Cheryl Settle, Kendra Clark, Tony Wielt
Middle Row: Rolland Mays, Chris McDonald, Jenna Reynolds, Roberta Lynch, Kristina Klein, Suzie Schmidt, Alaina Cusumano, Melanie Andrews, Jennifer Lehman
Front row: Stacey Palmer, Mary Beth Mezo, Michael Kroeschen, Alicia Woodward, Carlene Brown
Not Pictured: Brian Alvis, Tess Barnett, Brett Hall, Trinda Heitmeyer, Ashley Manuel, Theresa Rowe, and Cynthia Thomas
Cedarhurst Center for the Arts recently welcomed the new 2024 – 2025 Cedarhurst Student Council. Music educator and Cedarhurst Administrative Counselor Emeritus Rolland Mays serves as a mentor for the student group that works to promote the programs and mission of Cedarhurst to high school students in the southern Illinois region.

Mt. Vernon Township High School students (left to right): Malakai Mays, Music educator Rolland Mays, Chloe Adams, Olivia VanKampen, Baylee Adams, Katie Craddock, Timothy Westbrook, and Liam Asbery.