Exhibit Sponsors: Hunt and Donna Bonan
Members’ Preview | Saturday, February 18 | 6:00 to 8:30 pm
Preview Admission for Members is Free | Guests – $5 Admission
SIUC Professor Daniel Overturf’s theme this year asked students to explore local towns and communities, their relationships, and everyday life.
For the 2017 Cedarhurst exhibition, it was proposed to look at the psychological make up of a small town and compare that to the psychological make up of a large, metropolitan city.
The premise: Is there really a difference between small town folk and big city folk? The hunch was, no, there is no real difference when we look closely. Big city is supposed to be sophisticated and worldly. Small town is regarded as naïve and easy going. Both of these stereotypes are myths and do not do either group justice. Can a photograph evoke an aspect of what small town life is really about?
This continuously running exhibition began in 1993 with a joint collaboration between Cedarhurst and Daniel Overturf, Professor of Photography, SIUC. We thank Professor Overturf for his support of this exhibition, as well as Professors Alison Smith and Antonio Martinez.
Rusty Freeman – Director of Visual Arts Cedarhurst Center for the Arts