January 14, 2018 – February 4, 2018
Members’ Preview | Saturday, January 13 | 6:30 to 8:30 pm
Preview Admission for Members is Free | Guests – $5 Admission
During the month of November students participating in the ArtTime after school program were inspired by the children’s book, Not A Box by Antoinette Portis. Not A Box raises questions about our imagination. How do we use our imagination? Bunny makes it clear that the box can be whatever he wants it to be, whether it is a rocket, race car, or robot. It is Not A Box!
After reading the book our teachers led students in a discussion about how to use their imagination to create artworks from 3-dimensional boxes as well as 2-dimensional drawings.
Students also learned about the famous French painter Henri Matisse (1869-1954) who created collage artworks from cut paper later in life. Teachers read the book Perfect Square by Michael Hall to help students envision the many different ways we can cut, crumple, punch holes, or tear paper squares to make original compositions.
ArtTime meets every Tuesday 3:30-5:00 p.m. at the Shrode Art Center, throughout the school year. Each month we focus on different themes and media including clay, painting, drawing, and mixed media.
K – 1st Grade – Mrs. Rebecca Nation
2nd – 5th Grade –Director of Shrode Art Center, Ms. Carrie Gibbs