Members’ Preview | Saturday, February 20 | 6:30 to 8:30 pm
Gallery Admission: Free
As the sampler was to hip-hop so 3D printing is to sculpture and designed objects. Open source 3D printing has paved the way for a revolution in making things. Desktop digital fabrication collapses the distance between idea and product, problem and solution, designer and end user. The outcome of this revolution is a sea change in the relationship between the engineer and their audience.
“Transmissions” is an exhibition of work by Chicago based artist and educator Tom Burtonwood. Burtonwood is an Assistant Professor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and has been working in the 3D printing sphere since 2011. His work explores the production, transmission, dissemination and reception of cultural works as experienced through the lens of digital forms of fabrication. Through 3D printed books, sculptures and editions he explores how this profound shift in making and manufacturing offers new opportunities to produce works, distribute them and engage with new audiences and communities.
In addition to exhibiting a number of Burtonwood’s works “Transmissions” includes projects by three people from the “Maker” community, Laura Taalman, Frankie Flood and Aswin Krishnamoorthy, to highlight some of the more utilitarian projects that people have produced via 3D printing.
Sponsor: Krehbiel and Associates, LLC
Cosponsors: Kevin & Cheryl Settle