“A Slow Return”
February 27, 2022 – May 1, 2022
EXHIBIT SPONSOR: Peoples National Bank
• Members’ Preview Reception: Saturday, February 26 | 6:30 – 8:30 pm
• Preview Reception Admission: $5.00 | Cedarhurst Members – Free
• Exhibit Open: Tuesday – Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm | Sunday 1:00 to 5:00 pm | Free Admission
by Antonio Martinez, Alison Smith, Daniel Overturf (Emeritus)
Photography Facuty, School of Art and Design
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
“A Slow Return”
The annual exhibition by the SIU Photography Area students and faculty at Cedarhurst Center for the Arts represents a continuing relationship between the two institutions that began in 1993. Each year we are honored and welcome the opportunity to share our work in the beautiful exhibition spaces at Cedarhurst.
This year’s exhibition continues to reveal the diverse photographic ambitions of the students who have had enrolled in one or more photography courses offered this past academic year through the School of Art and Design. The Photography program gathers the talents of students across the university in a variety of majors and disciplines, ranging from finance to plant biology or from communication design to history. SIU’s photographic courses have long been known for encouraging original thought and concept while maintaining high standards for craft and technique. To further widen the scope of participation in 2022, three emeritus photography professors have chosen to exhibit their images alongside the current students and faculty.
The “A Slow Return” themed exhibition was initiated by SIU photo faculty Antonio Martinez and Alison Smith, along with Cedarhurst Visual Arts Director Rusty Freeman. The topic has evoked a wide range of interpretations and observations with respect to the pandemic and its impact upon all facets of living. Rusty issued the following ideas and posed the following questions:
What does “slow” mean in this context? Could it mean being cautious? Or does it mean that things aren’t moving fast enough in our efforts to return to normal? Whatever normal means these days. Does “normal” photograph well after and during a global pandemic? What does “a slow return” look like, feel like? And, most importantly, a slow return to what and where? A slow return can imply caution and uncertainty, but also hopefulness and/or adaptation.
What might a slow return to positivity and celebration look like while acknowledging the world has always been in need of repair and adjustment? This is not the first pandemic, this is not the first time our country has faced political turmoil of this caliber.
We are delighted to share our work and ideas with the Cedarhurst artistic community each spring. Thanks to the excellent people at Cedarhurst and the continued support of the patrons.