May 15, 2016 – July 17, 2016
Sponsor: GFI Digital
2015-2016 Gallery Sponsor:
Members’ Preview | Saturday, May 14 |6:30 to 8:30 pm
Gallery Admission: Free
Creativity Redefined! is a community art exhibit designed to highlight the creative talents of regional artists in Southern Illinois and our surrounding area. Cedarhurst and the Shrode Art Center want to celebrate the many unique perspectives, rich diversity, and amazing talent that thrive in this artistic community.
This exhibition was open to everyone (18 and older) in our region. The challenge was to create a work of art on a 12”x12”x2” claybord canvas. Artists were allowed to use any media of their choice as well as any subject matter. Either side of the canvas board could be utilized with 2-diminensional or 3-dimensional media. The finished piece could not be larger than 12”x12”x12”, the original wooden frame must be primarily intact, and be able to hang square on the wall.
The results of this challenge are truly remarkable! 60 artists participated in this challenge from 20 different cities, creating truly unique works of art. The exhibition is hung ‘salon’ style, in a grid-like fashion, to allow for the most number of people possible to participate in the exhibit.
The title of the exhibit, Creativity Redefined! is inspired by the recent branding of the City of Mt. Vernon, IL. The new logo, Creativity Redefined! is more than a new image, it focuses on an ideal quality of life that our community hopes to embrace and grow toward. The arts help improve our quality of life and are an important part to any community and culture. Cedarhurst, being an anchor for the arts in Mt. Vernon and Southern Illinois, wants to help celebrate and support this exciting new brand. This exhibition is verification that a large and ever growing number of creative people live in our region. They have an inherent need to be creative, express ideas, and participate in a more arts focused community. It will be exciting to see the positive changes that evolve from all these collaborative efforts.