A limited number of art class scholarships are available for those who need financial assistance. Please write a brief statement (one page or less) stating why you are applying for scholarship consideration and submit the paper with your class registration form.


Shrode Art Center at Cedarhurst offers opportunities to enable students and educators to attend workshops. Two scholarships (for each specialty workshop) will be awarded that will cover the full price of the workshop – one for a student and one for a teacher/educator. No deadline, rolling with class availability. 

Student Scholarship – open to high school, undergrad and graduate level students. Covers full cost of workshop. Student is responsible for their own materials, travel, lodging accommodations and meals. 

K-12 Teacher and College Level Educator Scholarship – Documentation of current employment (or a paystub) is required with registration. Covers full cost of workshop. Student is responsible for their own materials, travel, lodging accommodations and meals. 

To Apply write a brief statement (email to describing: 

  1. why you want to take this specific class
  2. why the cost would be a hardship for you
  3. why you would make a good candidate for a scholarship
  4. how you intend to use the experience to further your artistic goals

Images of personal art work (and/or student work for educators) are not required but will strengthen the applicant’s application.

*Housing options available with ‘host-potter families’. Inquire upon acceptance notification.