Summer Art Camp
View the class lineup for Ages 7 to 12, StoryTime with Art (ages 4 to 6), and ABC’s & Art (18 mo. to 3 yrs.) Registration for the general public begins on May 28. But hurry! Classes fill up quickly and have a limited number of seats available. Cedarhurst art classes are open to everyone.
Registrations: Registrations taken in order received with payment. Deadline to enroll for each class is one week before the class begins. Classes are limited in size to 12 students per class. Spaces cannot be reserved without payment. For your convenience, payments (by major credit card) are accepted by phone or you may register online at
Lunchtime Art Activity Fee: $10.00 per week (Tues, Wed, Thurs. noon-1:00 p.m.)
Students bring their own lunch and have fun creating a different art project each day. Weather permitting, activities could include walks in the sculpture park, daily craft projects, group mural, or a visit to the museum galleries and family center.
Scholarships: A limited number of scholarships are available for those who need financial assistance. Please explain why you wish to receive a scholarship on one page or less and return it with your completed registration form.
Refund Policy: There are no refunds on class fees unless the class has been cancelled. A refund will be made if a replacement can be found to fill your place in the class or you provide a replacement.
Publicity Disclosure: The Shrode Art Center reserves the right to use photographs taken during classes and workshops for publicity and media purposes. This includes but is not limited to local newspapers, Cedarhurst newsletter, website, Facebook and social media. If you do not want yourself or your child included in these photographs it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to notify art center staff at the time of enrollment.
Pick-Up Policy: Please be considerate of the art center staff and be on time. Parents, guardians, or caregivers must sign students in and out each day.
Behavior Policy: Students should be respectful of teachers, staff and classmates. In the event of unresolved behavior issues, the student will be suspended from the class and the class fee forfeited.
An activity of the John R. and Eleanor R. Mitchell Foundation.
This program is partially sponsored by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council.
Week 1
Wild Things
July 9, 10, 11 | Ages 7-12 years old

Week 2
ART World Tour
July 16, 17, 18 | Ages 7-12 years old

Week 3
Creative Magic
July 23, 24, 25 | Ages 7-12 years old

Teen Clay Camp
July 30, 31, Aug 1 | Ages 13-18 years old
Storytime with Art
Week 1 – July 9, 10, 11
Week 2 – July 16, 17, 18
Week 3 – July 23, 24, 25
Ages 4-6 years old

ABC's and art
Z is for Zoo
Session 1: Wednesday July 10, 17, 24, 31
Ages 18 months – 3 years old

Need more art in your life?
Consider scheduling a one-on-one art lesson, or booking an art party for your group!