Cedarhurst Center for the Arts and SSM Health Good Samaritan Hospital Foundation are excited to announce a new date for the GALA – May 21, 2021.
This joint fundraiser, which stands for Giving through Art, Learning through Art, brings the community together to support arts-based programming at two essential organizations. Children’s artwork is created and auctioned off to help raise additional funds. 

The May 21st date is rescheduled from March 2020, when Cedarhurst and SSM made the join decision to postpone the GALA in an effort to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus and keep our communities safe. Check out the Facebook Photo Gallery from this ARTrageous evening supporting the arts!


In 2018 the GALA raised more than $70,000, half of which supported the Kimball’s Habitat Campaign at Cedarhurst. Kimball’s Habitat is revitalizing the museum’s outdoor sculpture park with conservation efforts and enhanced visitor services. The other half supported Compassion Unleashed, SSM Health’s ongoing art, pet, and music therapy programs that bring hope and healing to a new level in our community. 

Many thanks to all who attended and continue to support these two ARTrageous causes. Click to view the 2018 GALA Facebook Photo Gallery and to learn more about Cedarhurst’s Kimball’s Habitat Campaign.

The 2018 GALA had big expectations, which were set at the inaugural event in 2017. That event raised nearly $70,000, and Cedarhurst used its portion of the proceeds to help renovate the museum’s Beck Family Center, a place where families can create, play, and connect. SSM Health Good Samaritan Hospital used it’s proceeds to launch Compassion Unleashed.  

All auction items at The GALA are created through Cedarhurst programs. Young artists take pride in donating their artwork to The GALA and find confidence knowing that we value their creativity and talent. Click to view the 2017 GALA Facebook Photo Gallery

We thank all who attend and support this ARTrageous partnership!