October 18, 2015 – January 3, 2016
Artist John Utgaard has always had vivid dreams which often motivates much of his ceramic art. In describing his creative process, Utgaard states, “Wet clay records the work of our hands and reflects the softness of our bodies as well as the plasticity of our thoughts.” Utgaard is a native of Carbondale, Illinois and became interested in ceramics while in high school. He studied ceramics at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, the Kansas City Art Institute, and at Alfred University, where he earned a MFA in 1999. In addition to having been an artist in residence at the Archie Bray Foundation in Helena, Montana, the artist taught at the University of Texas at Austin, Penn State University, and currently teaches in the ceramics area of Murray State’s department of Art and Design.
EXHIBIT SPONSOR: Pete & Sharon Bradham