You don’t have to be wealthy to make a difference. There are many ways to support Cedarhurst and its mission of providing art and culture to southern Illinois residents, and several don’t cost a dime.
Cedarhurst presents more than 300 programs annually with a professional staff of only 16 people. Volunteers are crucial in the planning and execution of successful programming.
For more information, contact Director of Human Resources Heather Owens.
Many businesses are not comfortable making cash contributions, but Cedarhurst relies on all types of vendors to care for its buildings and properties and to execute its extensive programming. Consider how you might make an in-kind contribution:
- Television networks, newspapers, and radio stations can donate ad space to promote museum programs.
- Marketing agencies can donate graphic design or printing services.
- Hotels can donate rooms used to house musicians and performers featured at Cedarhurst programs.
- Tradesworkers such as electricians, plumbers, and contractors can donate labor or discount services.
- The list goes on and on. Contact Executive Director Hillary Esser for more information.
Become a partner in advocating for art and culture! Many southern Illinois residents still don’t know about Cedarhurst or have never visited. Help us spread the word and increase the impact of the arts by sharing Cedarhurst marketing materials, inviting a friend to visit, or encouraging a business that you know to support the museum’s Annual Program Fund.
You can also advocate for Cedarhurst by lobbying for funding opportunities with community leaders and state legislators. Encourage them to support creative agencies, arts funding, and tourism attractions through funding initiatives and grant opportunities. (Check out our Economic Impact Statement if you want some facts and stats about just how much Cedarhurst contributes to the local economy.)