🧺Basketeers Club
The Basketeers at Cedarhurst are a creative and lively group of basket makers who meet at Shrode Art Center on Thursday evenings from 5 pm – 8 pm. Each week they gather to work on independent projects or on baskets chosen by the group to do together. They are constantly learning and growing in their craft and many of them frequently enroll in the basket classes with Janet Hall, our chief Basketeer, at Cedarhurst. Everyone is welcome to come and join in on the creativity and fun, regardless of prior experience.
This, and all of the Cedarhurst Groups & Clubs, is a membership perk. To become a member click here.
- For more info contact: Carrie Gibbs, Director of Shrode Art Center
- Phone: 618-242-1236 ext 249
- Email: carrie@cedarhurst.org