🧺Spring Sampler Basket with Cherokee Wheels Workshop

Saturday, May 18 | 10:00 am to 4:00 pm | Instructor: Janet Hall
Class fee: $30
Material fee: $30 | pay to instructor day of workshop

Basket dimensions: 13”x13”x13

Students will learn how to weave baskets from reed in natural and dyed colors during these one-day workshops. The instructor pre-cuts all reed and supplies needed for each student’s kit. The material fee is paid to the instructor the day of class. Students who do not finish their basket by the end of class are welcome to attend one of the weekly Basketeer Club meetings on Thursdays, 1-4 pm at Shrode Art Center

*Basket Workshop Work Kit: It is helpful for students to bring dozen clip clothespins, towel, small plastic washtub, pencil, tape measure and scissors


May 18, 2024


10:00 am - 4:00 pm



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Janet Hall

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